

一、 Humanities (Mr. Brandon Holton): This course takes an in-depth look at issues facing the world; such as poverty, climate change, economic, overpopulation, etc. These world issues will be analyzed and discussed using the guidelines set forth by the United Nation’s sustainable developments goals. These developments goals will be the main topics in class lectures, discussions, and student projects that will allow students to become familiar with significant problems facing the world, and through group work and creative thinking develop solutions to address these worldwide problems.

二、 Modern Sports (Mr. Jonathan Evans): The Modern Sports class will focus on popular contemporary sports (basketball, football/soccer, baseball etc.) along with emerging sports (snowboarding/skiing, BMX, skateboarding) to talk about their history, mechanics and impacts on our lives. Students will be able to learn more about these sports, how they work and how they affect individuals in society. Students will be asked to show their learning through a variety of projects, presentations, discussions and quizzes both individually and in groups. Students will know more about the sports they like and sports they want to learn about, while understanding the benefits and consequences as well.

三、 World Travel (Mrs. Christie Palmerlee): Welcome to World Travel! International travel is one of the most exciting and humbling experiences a person can have. During this course, you will have the opportunity to prepare to travel to an English-speaking country of your choosing. You will conduct research about important travel topics, such as the country’s geography, climate, culture, essential phrases, and visa and vaccination requirements.  You will also develop your own travel agenda and packing list, compare modes of transportation and lodging options, and learn how to handle emergency situations while staying in that country. Throughout the course, you will design a travel website that showcases all the research you’ve gathered about your plans for international travel.

四、 Drafting and Design (Ms. Lisa Liu): In this project based course, we will be exploring the concept of perspective, scale, orthographic and thumbnail drawing. Throughout the course, we will work towards the goal of building a functional desk organizer. Students will collaborate, discuss, design, critique, revise, and eventually build a model using foam core boards.

五、 Literature and Film (Mr. Aaron Hatch): In this class, students will read novels (or parts of novels) and watch films (or parts of films) and explore the connections between the literary and visual arts. Students will be asked to consider how films translate ideas like setting, characterization, and tone from the page to the screen. Students will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each art form, and will debate whether films can ever be as good as the novels on which they are based, or if the collaborative nature of filmmaking can transcend the solitary art of novel writing." 

六、 World Mythology (Ian Thomassen): An exploration into famous folklores and well-known stories from cultures across the world that have been incorporated into our modern culture today.  Discover the real story behind Thor and Loki. Explore the fascinating stories that were told by the Greeks and adapted by the Romans. Analyze common themes such as a great flood and the similar stories that exist in other cultures.

七、 French I (Mr. Steven Mannos)In French 1 students will learn to introduce themselves, talk about travel in the France and the Francophone world, French cuisine, and their hobbies and interests using the present tense and past tense.  Students will become proficient in presentational and interpersonal speaking as well fluent in every day conversation.  French 1 is taught according to the standards of the French AP test, focusing on reading and listening comprehension as well as journal writing. Students are expected to use French during class. The culture topic for French 1 is the Francophone world, focusing on Africa and the French speaking regions of the Caribbean. We will also learn about famous places in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg.

八、 西文、韓文、日文:由台北市第二外語教師授課,將培養學生學習第二外國語的興趣與基本能力,並培養學生以第二外國語進行日常生活溝通的基本能力。


