
Elementary Bilingual School


Elementary Bilingual School


Fuhsing Elementary Bilingual Division was founded in fall, 2012. Our goal is to truly equip a child for the modern world with a challenging academic curriculum and provide each student with the ability to learn well, to read extensively with depth, to think creatively, to be technologically proficient, and to enhance problem-solving skills based on a sound foundation of logic, knowledge, and character through a dual language immersion model of Education in English and Chinese.

We aim to maximize students' potentials and promote the growth of the whole person. To develop mindsets for compassion and responsibility in students, we teach them to be respectful of others’ views, beliefs and cultures. We inspire and empower students to make positive contributions to local and global communities and to make a difference in the world. These important values are truly at the heart of who we are, and what we do in our school.

Curriculum Goals 

  1. To establish a solid foundation of students' bilingual literacy for future global challenges.
  2. To equip everyone with competencies of various subjects to reach their full learning potential for future study abroad.
  3. To provide students a positive and productive learning environment and lay the foundation for self-actualization through lifelong learning.
    show and tell
    literacy pro test

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